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Resetting Healthcare

About the Book

Dr. sanjay Prasad
Hi, I am Dr. Sanjay Prasad. For 30 years I have seen medicine, through a surgeon’s lens, while caring for tens of thousands of patients.

The referral process is the heart of the problem in surgical care. Patients are referred to surgeons from their primary care doctor or emergency room physician, to surgeons without concern for cost or outcomes. Once told they need surgery, most patients are shocked, nervous, anxious and scared. Many thoughts race through their mind: impact on work, family and loved ones they care for. They often aren’t listening as the surgeon continues to discuss the severity of their condition, the need for surgery, surgical approaches, and time to recovery. Moreover, a bond starts forming with the surgeon that is completely based on subjective feelings.

But patients need to wake up, be more objective and ask tough questions of their surgeon.
  • Doctor, do I really need surgery?
  • What will happen if I don’t have surgery?
  • What options do I have other than surgery?
Then they need to ask questions related to the surgeon’s past experience.
  • Doctor, how many of these procedures, have you performed in the past year?
  • What does a successful outcome look like?
  • How many of your patients have had a successful outcome?
  • How many of your patients have suffered complications from surgery?
As a result of the current process:
  • Patients don’t completely understand their own condition
  • Patients undergo surgery they do not need and some even suffer from complications due to unnecessary
  • Patients are often never informed of alternatives to surgery.
  • Many patients suffer from complications from and less than optimal results requiring repeat surgeries
  • Patients are trapped in high deductible health plans and have to make difficult choices between putting food on the table, paying rent, paying utilities or paying for surgery for a loved one.
Patients need to be more objective.

Patients don’t know what to ask especially regarding success and complication rates and they even don’t know how to interpret the responses. They don’t know how to compare surgeons and their outcomes.

The SurgiQuality Solution

I founded SurgiQuality with a mission to connect surgical patients to best in class surgeons who operate in a cost-efficient environment.


Using a SurgiQuality, a personalized concierge handholds patient from the moment they are told they need surgery until they are back to work. After obtaining permission, the concierge gathers and uploads the patient’s medical records and imaging to the HIPAA-compliant cloud. From there the cases are sent to qualified surgeons who after review of the records, validate necessity of surgery, suggest alternative to surgery, enter past experience (number of cases performed, success rates and complication rates) and enter overall cost with their facility.


Patients then review opinions from multiple surgeons who have reviewed their case. They avoid unnecessary surgery, understand success and complication measures and are able to compare past experience from board certified surgeons who have reviewed their case. We help patients regain control of the healthcare process, empowering them with tools to make well informed decisions.

“Comments from Reviewers”

Grady Harp MD

Amazon Top 100 Hall of Fame Reviewer

This is the current go-to manual for changing our present healthcare delivery system – a book that should be read not only by patients, but also by physicians and other healthcare providers. The time for change is now! Very highly recommended.

Jessica Torfino

Writer and Educator

Resetting Healthcare is a timely examination of the effects of the pandemic on healthcare systems across the country. While there have been many costs and challenges during this time, Dr. Sanjay Prasad seizes the current moment to shine a light on the immense opportunities to "reset" and restructure problematic and costly systems. Positive and empowering, this book shows patients how to navigate and thrive in the "new normal" of healthcare. Highly recommended!!!"

Susan Keefe

Midwest Book Review

Dr. Prasad empowers his readers to ask questions and fully understand their options before undertaking surgery. Highly recommended.

Brad Butler

Author of A World Flight Over Russia

According to Sanjay Prasad, M.D. the U.S. healthcare behemoth is going to get a much-needed post-pandemic reset. Everything being called into question sounds like a healthy exercise for a diseased system.

Rachel Song

Editor and Writer

Written with eye-opening alacrity, Resetting Healthcare underlines an unsettling problem in the lack of transparency from our physicians. Highly recommended!

John J. Kelly

Detroit Free Press

With the world turned upside down by the Covid 19, “Resetting Healthcare” is an essential and most helpful guide to a new and novel approach to health care in 2021. This book is required reading for anyone hoping to get a doctor who gets it right and successfully navigating the health care system”

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